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Critical Limit Self Assessment 

Remember when you set a critical limit you are creating a regulation under which 
you will have to operate. If you make it more restrictive than regulatory limits, you 
will be held to your limit not the regulatory limit. 

When you created your critical limits did you: 

1. Use a specific number not a range. For example for a temperature the might 
be 45 degrees F. for the critical limit. The critical limit should not be a range 
such as 45-50 degrees F. 

2. Be specific how the limit is measured. For example, in setting a limit for 
carcass chill temperature are you using a direct or indirect method. Will you 
use water temperature (an indirect method) or carcass temperature (direct 
method). If you do use an indirect measurement you will have to conduct a 
validation test showing for example that if the carcass was in the water at X 
degrees for Y amount of time it would reach the critical limit. You don’t have 
to do the study if you do a direct measurement. However, if you do a direct 
measure be sure to be specific. For example, the temperature in the deep 
breast muscle will be X degrees F. If you don’t tell where the temperature is 
measured it could be monitored at the wrong location and may give an 
inaccurate reading. For example a cook temperature measurement in a leg 
muscle would be different from a cook temperature measurement in the 
deep breast muscle of the carcass.